Congrats to our Hackathon winners! And a big thank you to all our creative participants.

Hackathon HaleyTek
🚀 Celebrating our Hackathon champs! 🏆 Big shoutout to Janakiraman Jothimony, Nikilesh kp and (not in picture) Tobias Öhrström and Alfonso Gomez for rocking the creation of our new tool for live log capture and debugging. 🛠️ This game-changer will save us time and headaches!

At HaleyTek, innovation is at the heart of what we do every day while the Hackathon is a special day dedicated to unleashing creativity and cultivating fresh ideas. It provides a break from our regular planned sprints, allowing our team to explore new realms of innovation in a more free and imaginative way. 

Huge thanks to all participants for turning our tech day into a success! 🎉 We hope the creators won't escape to pursue solo careers, but if they do, rest assured, we'll be your biggest fans! 😄 Looking forward to more laughter, innovations, and teamwork. 🚀

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